Office 365 for Education

Digital Hub for your classroom

At GV Prime, we are committed and passionate about transforming classrooms, through Microsoft for Education Plans.

Meet Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, and apps together in one place. Create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learnings communities, and communicate with staff– all from a single experience in Office 365 for Education.

Create collaborative classrooms

Easily manage your class workflow while engaging the voice within every student. Keep everything you need right at your fingertips with Class Notebook, Assignments, Office apps, and files built into every class. Empower student voice and choice with rich conversations, video, and fun content.

A hub for every type of teamwork

Transform the way your staff, teachers, and students collaborate in teams and communicate as a school. Connect in professional learning communities with built-in PLC Notebooks to continue lifelong learning. Streamline staff communication on school-wide initiatives using custom Staff Notebooks.

All in a more safe and secure environment

Teams provides the enterprise security and compliance features you expect from Office 365, including eDiscovery and legal hold for channels, chats and files. Manage how your school communicates with new controls designed for education, including deleting offensive posts or muting class conversations.

Customized to fit your needs

Create an engaging environment for your unique team by adding the apps they know and love. Leverage channels to organize the team around custom topics or project-groups. Tailor notifications so you don’t miss important activity and information.

Ready to get started?

  • Have Office 365 for Education? You already have access to Microsoft Teams as a part of Office 365 for Education Proceed to our customer login to get support.

  • Don’t have Office 365 for Education? Get Microsoft Teams plus Office apps, file storage, sharing, email, and more – free for students and teachers! Proceed to our customer login and Order it now!

Office 365 for Education

  1. Microsoft Teams
  2. Office 365 A1
  3. Office 365 A3
  4. Office 365 A5

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